This has been an awful long time coming but my mouldmaker has finally delivered the first batch of moulds for my range of dungeon scenery.
N.B. floors are gridded at 1". |
So far I have the moulds for the corner piece above & the three other corridor sections, with the larger intersections & rooms to follow shortly. This should work out well as it will give me a chance to build up a stock of the corridor pieces before starting on the bigger pieces when they arrive.
The plan is to offer these for sale in sets at £25 each plus p&p; Set 1 will be a basic set consisting 4 of the pieces seen above, 4 straight wall sections, 4 straight corridor sections & a 4x4" room; Set 2 will be an intersection set with 2 cross intersections, 2 T intersections, a Y intersection & a 60 degree corner.
This is as far as it goes at present, I want to see how much interest there is out there for the products before I start on more ambitious pieces such as larger rooms & items with more intricate geometry.
I'm going to stick with the grey resin for production as it makes the pieces useable straight out of the box, but the walls are well textured and should dry brush nicely.