Back to more of the un-living for this episode of the ongoing Barrowmaze saga:
Crypt Thing, pointing at something. |
Sapphire Skeleton, the sapphire in the skull causes this variety of skeleton to re-animate unless it is smashed. |
Another, more animated, version of the Barrow Guardian featured previously |
Another batch of very good miniatures from Otherworld. The animation of the skeleton is particularly good, very reminiscent of his brethren in 'Jason & the Argonauts'. The only downside is having to glue four separate pieces together, holding those tiny arms in place while 5 minute epoxy dries feels like a task Sissiphus would have baulked at.

Finally in anticipation of the July release of 'Frostgrave' a panoramic shot of the board I intend to game this on. I say intend because unless I can get a couple of my colleagues at the local boardgames club to participate, the chances of this project ever taking flight are minimal. This as ever is simply down to time, I just never seem to have enough of it. I really do see the appeal of Frostgrave having enjoyed in my younger days both Mordheim & Necromunda, GW games in a similar vein where you begin with a small retinue of characters & improve them over the span of a campaign. Indeed Necromunda got played almost to death over the space of a couple of months in my earlier feckless years, still got the much converted miniatures ( bits were added every time a character bought or found an upgrade of some sort) & my gang sheet buried in storage somewhere, sold the boxed set for what seemed a ridiculous sum of money when I last moved house along with a lot of other gaming stuff that hadn't seen light of day for some time. Didn't have the space & really needed the money for more important stuff.