Sunday 8 April 2012

Renovating a Few Skeletons.

The holiday weekend continues apace. Having scratched the yearly Call of Cthulhu itch yesterday this evening I'm back to the Retro Dungeon proper.
Like many others I have fond memories of the old Grenadier Miniatures skeletons and was far sighted enough as a teenager to actually buy some with the limited means at my disposal, a select few of these being depicted above. What I wasn't able to do as a teen was a decent paint job so the remainder of the holiday will be dedicated to re-vamping these bony fellows. A start of sorts has already been made on my favourite of the old gang:

I stuck fairly closely to my original colour scheme, just weathered and corroded things a great deal more. The helm was left in its original paint because it looked right & fits the theme of having something of an earlier age on the miniature.
These old Grenadier skeletons really were fabulous, there was a nice mixture of contemporary & archaic equipment, in respect of the fantasy medieaval feel of OD&D at least and the quality of the sculpting was (is) top notch.
As far as The Undead League Tables run I'd have to put them second to the Denizen Miniatures Legion of the Damned, but only on goal difference.

Todays other project has been to get some paint on the tomb wall sections I've cast up over the last few weeks. Here are the two very different attempts at mausoleum interior design:
The top one is finished in Dungeon Magnolia or dry-brushed grey if you prefer, the lower decorated in a more mediterranean style. Fairly sure I'll go with the classic grey overall.

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