Its been quite some time since my last post here; still waiting for moulds to be made for my dungeon components, but patience they tell me is a virtue.
In the meantime I've been collecting a few more denizens for the deep, dark places of the world. I was hoping at this point to be able to reveal an ensemble cast of beautifully painted Otherworld Miniatures but financial constraints have required me to improvise with the following:
Dunlendings, who will serve as Bandits or Hirelings as required. |
Orc Warg riders, stand ins for a variety of mounted goblinoids. |
Deadmen of Dunharrow, a little too animated for zombies perhaps but they will serve. |
Dunharrow King, Skeleton Warrior perhaps. |
Grima Wormtongue, definite evil henchman material. |
Guardians of Dol Guldur. Death Knights? |
Barrow Wight, need I say more. |
All of the above are GW Lord of the Rings figures and were either abandoned projects or poorly painted figures bought really cheap on Ebay, cleaned up and re-painted. The best of it is they dovetail nicely with the existing Darksword, Ral Partha & Denizen figures that have so far been the mainstay of the retro dungeon project.
I've still to finish a bunch of the good guys for use as P.C's but more of that soon I hope.
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